Google Display Network

Reach 90% Of Internet Users

The Google Display Network is a huge network of websites, reaching over 90% of internet users and made up of over 2 million sites. We place display ads on the Google Display Network for our clients. Display ads can be text, image or video ads. For visual ads we work with you to create images, animations or videos that communicate a strong message about your product or service.

Pushing Display Ads

To make sure that you get the most from your advertising spend on the Display Network, we tailor your campaign to engage with people most relevant to your business using a combination of options to ensure we get your message in front of the right people – from geographic location, audience interests and demographics – and of course, keywords! 

Display marketing can be very tightly targeted, even down to specific sites. When we’re planning a campaign, we always brainstorm for ideas about where we might place our clients’ ads to get the best return – for example what worked well for a golf resort was placing their ads on

A Targeted Audience

Many people are familiar with the Display Network as a way of re-marketing – to keep past visitors to your site engaged even when they are browsing elsewhere. Re-marketing is a specific campaign type that you can find more information about it below.

Compelling Ads

Of course, reaching the right audience is only half the story – we need to make sure that the adverts catch your audience’s attention and encourage them to interact. We create compelling and imaginative ads to do this so that you maximise your opportunities.

Increase Sales

So, whether your goal is re-marketing to an existing audience, lead generation from a new audience or simply raising brand awareness, talk to us about how using the Google Display Network can help grow your business.

Google Display Ads


Remarketing is a great way to increase awareness of your brand as well as converting people who have engaged with your website before. Remarketing through Google AdWords allows us to remarket to your past visitors, encouraging further interaction by using retargeting ads.

If you’ve ever noticed adverts displaying a particular brand after you have left their website, this is because they are re-marketing. It’s a very effective way to increase conversion rates because your ads are engaging with an audience who are already interested in your product or service.


The results from an effective re-marketing campaign will show a lower cost per click than a standard paid search campaign and a higher conversion rate. This is because your potential customers will click on your re-marketing ad if they are still interested in your product or service that they looked at previously. We almost always include an element of re-marketing in our client’s paid search campaigns.

How Does It Work?

Visitors to your website will be tracked using a cookie in their web browser. At the simplest level, that tracking can target visitors who have previously visited your website and encourage them to return. 

At a more detailed level, we can tailor the tracking to see if visitors have viewed a particular service or added a product to a shopping cart. We can then display ads relevant to that service or product, encouraging them to complete the purchase or enquiry.

Benefits Of Remarketing

  • It’s highly targeted
  • It re-engages those visitors who have not converted
  • It improves brand awareness
  • You can benefit from a higher conversion rate
  • It keeps you in the mind of your potential customers